Sunday, 27 September 2015

New post Madness

Quite a while has passed since the last post. Too long. This is your fault not mine. Just accept that and we can move on. So we have a HUGE photo dump of what has been going on. So settle down and look at the nice pictures (not in chronological order).

Ork idol made in the club by BB

Another Orky idol

League game with Eldar vs Grey Knights

Something something trench system

No comment

Not sure

Apocaplypse weekender

Make up your own captions as I have been blessed with one of nurgles gifts and the keyboard is getting sticky.

Great hills fashioned by BB.

Trench system crafted by Bash

I will be back next week with the league proper and hopefully some pictures that make sense. Later


  1. Hey chaps. Sorry to leave you with so many half finished terrain projects on the go. Detail the lads off to finish those woods, palm trees and buildings and get some use out of them. Until we meet again .... screw you guys!

  2. Bye bye B!!!! Bagsy not doing the trees!
