Friday, 29 July 2016

Little space ships

So we've had a couple of new guys join us at the club, so we gave them a taster of what we do.  Not big 40k players, yet, so we thought something easier to play, fast, frantic, and above all fun!  enter x-wing!

loads of fun had by all, we now have 2 more star wars enthusiasts!!!  hands down the second most popular game played at the club at the minute.


  1. Great updates Bash! I'm loving the new spacescape mat and Aaron's warmahordes stuff is very cool.
    A welcome change from the spaceman/power-rangers stuff the rest of you are playing. [ giggle-smirk-titter ;) ]

  2. Trying to keep it regular mate. Smashed the tits out of X-wing this weekend mind, and a 2500pt 30k game. Been busy!
