Tuesday, 17 January 2017

New Year, New Geek

Due to a huge kerfuffle after summer leave with our computer systems, and iphones being pants, this blog has been left to rot.  well now its kinda sorted and we're back!

thanks to the Table Top Gaming - UK Armed Forces facebook group we have fresh impetus.  we even have two guys attending the London Grand Tournament.

loads going on over this next year, new year new armies, new events, new people!

the huge thing with doing the blog through google chrome at work is it does not allow me to upload pictures, i'll sort this asap.

to give you a taster of what is happening over this year we have the following coming up:

Feb 17:  40k league round 3 starts

Feb 17:  Khemri cup bloodbowl league starts

Feb/Mar 17:  30k campaign

March/July 17:  Apocalypse BBQ weekends!!!!

16 March 17:  Supporting Young Engineers Challenge at HMS Sultan

22nd April 17:  Group meet at Salute, London Excel

Winter 17: TTG-UKAF group meet 2

All Year:  TTG-UKAF campaign

more events to happen and be attended as and when they are organised.

hopefully we'll get our web stuff sorted soon and i can get back to doing this proper.

for now, peace out.

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